Producer & Sole Programmer
During this project I planned, organized, and tracked the development of this game. In addition I programmed all aspects of the game. This game was presented the OrlandoIX tech and gaming conference were it was a great success.
Our team consisted 7 people including: 1 producer/programmer, 1 designer, and 5 artists.
Producer Contributions
Created Original Concept for the game.
Managed the scope of the project by creating and maintaining a Project Backlog for all features and tasks to complete the project across all teams.
Generated and maintained Project Backlog, Gantt Chart, and Burndown documents.
Co-created the Game Design Document and Art Style Guide.
Organized the team to hit project deadlines and to present at OrlandoIX Tech Convention.
Setup and managed the Version Control for the project.
Trained team members in using version control software.
Assisted in Level Design and Mechanic Exploration to refine the gameplay experience.
Planned, Recorded, and Edited the Marketing Trailer.
Programmer Contributions
Programmed all game features including:
Created early Functional Prototype to determine technical and gameplay feasibility.
Programmed Reflector Beam/Panel System which was the core mechanic of the game.
Developed Dynamic Camera System that transitioned between player and beam view which was critical for gameplay immersion.
Developed Developer Tools that allowed beam bounces to be tracked for planning and designing levels.
Programmed First Person Player Controller and Free Look Camera System that allowed for precise aiming.
Programmed all other aspects of the game.
Producing & Documentation
The main piece of documentation I worked on was the Project Backlog. I maintained this document constantly and adjusted items within it as the project's needs changed. By keeping a well-maintained Project Backlog, I was able to plan features well in advance, protect against potential risks, and help the team complete tasks efficiently. I also used this backlog to create a Gantt Chart for tracking progress and maintaining the project schedule.
In conjunction with the Art Director and Creative Director, we created the Game Design Document and Art Style Guide as reference documents that were used throughout the project. These documents were updated as the game evolved and our goals more defined.
As part of our presentation at OrlandoIX Tech Convention, I helped secure a booth, organized booth setup, and presented on the floor by conversing with attendees and coordinating public play sessions of the game.
Feature Development
I programmed all features of the game. Some major features include:
An early Functional Prototype of the game to test the technical feasibility of the project. This prototype was also used for early playtesting and level design to ensure the gameplay experience would be enjoyable and that the core mechanics provided sufficient room for design. It was through this early prototyping phase that the decision to add the generator mechanic was made.
The Reflector Beam/Panel System was the most important feature I worked on. This allowed the player to traverse the puzzles of the level and was the core mechanic of the game. This feature involved a significant amount of math and tweaking to perform as intended and was leveraged for the player’s aiming laser and development tools as well.
The Dynamic Camera System integrated with the Reflector Beam so that it would follow the beam through its path in a smooth and engaging way. This was important for the immersion of the game as the beam represents the player being teleported through space within the beam. This involved managing and swapping between several cameras, including the main player camera which had free look capability.
All other aspects of the game including doors, menus, level managers, etc.